Palazzo Leoni Monanari
Palazzo Leoni Monanari

Gallerie d'Italia - Palazzo Leoni Montanari 

Contrà Santa Corona 25, Vicenza
Tel. 800 578875 (numero verde)
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Gallerie d’Italia - Palazzo Leoni Montanari are the museum centre of Intesa Sanpaolo in Vicenza, hosted in a seventeenth-century
dwelling, characterised by an exuberant baroque inner decoration.It houses three important art collections owned by the Bank:
Attican and Magna Graecia vases, the valuable collection of eighteenth-century Venetian paintings (with works by Canaletto,
Carlevarijs, Guardi, Marieschi, Albotto, Longhi, Zuccarelli) and the exhibition of Russian icons, considered the most important
collection of Russian religious art preserved in the West.“The fall of the rebel angels” by Agostino Fasolato (1714-post 1787) is also
of great interest, a bold, virtuosic sculpture composed of sixty figures carved in a single piece of Carrara marble.




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